((My comments in double parentheses - Homer))
                             BERRY'S WORLD
                          WHAT YOUR MONEY BUYS
                                 CD - 2
                             28 April 1977
                  Church Documents (Court Transcripts)
       Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
     ((In 1977 a Berry's World cartoon ran in a local publication that
caught the Church's eye.  It depicted a newly rich well dressed and well
groomed Yuppie talking to one of his old Hippie buddies with long hair
and beads.  They were both standing waist deep in dollar bills and he
was saying...
     Berry's World
     "I WAS into EST, Primal Therapy, Yoga, Scientology, Hare Krishna,
Transcendental Meditation - NOW I'm into money!"))
     DG 1 US
     28 April 77
     OPS MAY
                           RE: OP FUNNY BONE
     Dear Dick,
     SITUATION:  Ron wanted the attached cartoonist disenfranchised.
     DATA:  The attached Op is a simple Op very similar to the
successful Kensolving Op that I mocked that cost him alot of his papers.
     It's simple to do and should be fun for the AG/I's in outer areas.
     SOLUTION:  Implement the attached OP.
     This is OK____
                              28 April 77
                             OP FUNNY BONE
     INFORMATION:  Jim Berry had 1.1ed Scientology in attached cartoon:
It is desired that this fellow no longer has a syndicated publication.
     MAJOR TARGET:  To cause Jim Barry to lose his syndicated
publication so that he can no longer SP Scientology.
     PRIMARY TARGETS:  All USB1 Secs are on Post operating.
     The worth while purpose of this action is to remove JB from his
position of power, so that he cannot attack the C of S.
     USB1 Ops Na ((National?)) is responsible for the over all planning
of this project.
     Each concerned USB1 Sec is responsible for seeing that the assigned
targets in his area get done.
     Each USB1 Sec is responsible for any debugging necessary on this
project/working in liaison with Ops Nat USB1.
     Each AG I (Assistant Guardian/Incharge?)) concerned, is responsible
for seeing that any targets assigned to him/her are done.
     VITAL TARGETS:  That all concerned ensure that SECURITY is IN on
this project.
     That the publications that "carry" JB's cartoons are found.
     That all production personnel that work on this project star rate
M4 check out on this project.
     1) Do a suitable guise telephone call to the NEA - the Newspaper
Enterprise Association - their headquarters are in Cleveland and NYC.
Contact their L.A. office if they have one, if not get hold of the
others.  Find out what areas of the US they circulate JB's cartoon.  You
can be an enterprising amature cartoonist who is trying to get some info
on the subject and your stuff is somewhat like JB's.  Or you could be a
free lancer who is doing an article on syndicated business; or you can
be a student that is doing a paper on the same subject.  See what
buttons you can get (hate buttons) on this call concerning cartoonist.
     "Gosh, I'll bet some of these cartoonist are pretty temperamental,
you know like artists.  Do you ever have any problems with them - I mean
like JB - etc.  Boy I sure appreciate your help etc".  Follow this down
as needed.
                                       IG 1 PAC
     2) Write up these findings above and get them to Ops Nat.
                                       DG 1 PAC
     3) Ops Nat is to include the above findings/buttons etc with a copy
of this Op and send this to all the USB1 Secs concerned.  (Where ever
publications use JB's cartoons).
                                       DG 1 PAC
4) Each USB1 Sec is to send out to all concerned AG/Is the following
                                       Concerned Secs
     a) Find all the publications you can in your area that print
Berry's World - see attached cartoon.  Make a list of these.
     b) Take one of the above publications and have a trusted FSM
((Field Staff Member)) look through as many as possible "back" issues to
obtain other examples of "Barry's World".
     c) As the tone of these is 1.1, there should be many buttons of
persons that are being pressed. eg:  a joke on Poles; a joke on
Catholics; a joke on Jews; a joke on any ethnic groups; make a list of
this person types or ethnics.
     d) Recruit several FSMs that can write letters.
     e) Have the FSMs write to leaders of the ethnic groups of whatever
turns up, and complain about the insulting cartoon that you just came
across.  Suggest that the group write letters to the publication in
question demanding that the publication drop the cartoon.  And to say
that their members will drop the publication if they don't drop it.
     f) AG I should read all letters going out so ensure that no mention
of Scientology is made.  The letters should not be mailed from any Org
or Mission.  All the addresses (return) should be different and spread
around the City.
     g) Do b - g to all the publications discovered in target "a".
     h) As each new cartoon comes out for all the publications in target
"a", have several FSMs write letters to the editor (different types)
complaining about whatever can be complained about in the cartoon eg.
shouldn't make fun about Firemen; shouldn't ridicule the poor, etc.
Some of these letters should state that the complainer is dropping the
publication, and many of his "Firemen friends/poor friends" are doing
the same.  AG I should read all letters before going out.  Return
addresses should be away from the Org or missions and not near to each
     i) Continue this above action with 30 or 40 FSMs, each week
changing the FSMs, or each day/month as the publications come out.  Send
up to US weekly reports on the results of the actions.
     B1 Area Secs
     20 May 77
     A/DG I US
     cc:  Ops Natl
     cc:  Natl Sec
     RE:  Berry's World
     Dear Sandy, Brian, Donna and Gary,
     Attached is Op Funny Bone.  It was done off of a recent LRH order
to myself, so needless to say I want the actions done fast.
     What is needed is for each AG/I to determine for their own area if
Berry's World cartoon is carried.
     From that point then the Op can be sent to them.  When they are
determining if the cartoon is carried ensure that they have enough data
to work with as they will not all need the Op right away (unless we find
out that the cartoon is carried in their area).
     So please get started on this right away and add it to your battle
plan this week to get the orgs going on finding the circulation.
     I suggest telex lines for this initial cycle.
     Greg (for Dick)
     10 MAY 1977
     AG/I AOLA
     Dear Sandy,
     DG/I PAC asked me to do a suitable guise call to the Newspaper
Enterprise Association in New York and find out what I could about Jim
Berry, especially any buttons of his seniors toward him.
     I called the group and was able to get very little actual data on
him.  In fact, they seemed really reluctant to give out info on one of
their cartoonists and kept referring me to his work for examples of his
attitudes about various things.
     One point did come out in that he is considered to be a "Social
Satirist", not a political cartoonist or any other kind.  The man I
spoke to said that Berry's cartoon is carried at about 700 papers around
the country and ****** ((unreadable)).
     ****** ((unreadable))
     The Newspaper Enterprises Association has an office in Walnut
Creek, California and the man in charge of that office is **** ****.
The number is *****.
     That's is all I got on it.  Portraying Berry as Liberal to
Conservatives or visa versa may have a good effect.
Homer Wilson Smith           This file may be found at
homer@rahul.net              ftp.rahul.net/pub/homer/act/cd2.memo
Posted to usenet newsgroup:  alt.clearing.technology