> I'm not sure what Nemesis One [is...]

    NEMESIS: Greek Mythology: The goddess of retributive justice
or vengence. [Greek, "retribution," from nemien, to allot]
    Nemesis: An inflicter of retribution; avenger. 2.) One that inflicts
relentless vengence or destruction.  3.) An unbeatable rival, as in
sports: The team met its Nemesis. 4.) Retributive justice in its execution
or outcome: invite nemesis.  5.) An unavoidable result. 

    The goal to inflict retribution on leads to closing terminals with,
leads to fixated ridging with if the terminal in question is
equal to or more powerful than you.
    You are actually its nemesis by definition 1.) in that you are trying
to inflict eternal retribution on it for something that it did or is, but
it becomes your nemesis by definition 3.) in that it is unbeatable and you
continue to lose to it forever. 

    The Nemesis Conflict is the core of the case.
    Nemesis One is the first set of items on both sides of the ridge.
    Everyone and everything later is perceived and interpreted as
part of the Nemesis One Conflict.

    "Who or what are you trying to put out of your misery."

    Notice the twist at the end.