Run The Final Process on mother and child.

     Replace is, with could be, would be, should be, might be etc.

     Run trans life from beginning of time to end of time, all universes.

     Spot the best mother there is.
     Spot the worst mother there is.

     Spot the best mother there has ever been.
     Spot the worst mother there has ever been.

     Spot the best mother there will be.
     Spot the worst mother there will be.

     Spot the best mother you have ever had.
     Spot the worst mother you have ever had.

     Spot the best mother you have.
     Spot the worst mother you have.

     Spot the best mother you will ever have.
     Spot the worst mother you will ever have.

     Spot the best mother you have ever been.
     Spot the worst mother you have ever been.

     Spot the best mother you are.
     Spot the worst mother you are.

     Spot the best mother you will have.
     Spot the worst mother you will have.

     Spot your true mother in this life time (not the valences she
was stuck in).
     Spot your true child in this life time.

     How could you rewrite this life time to bring out the
true both of you's when it first went wrong?

     E/P Mother and child best friends again, and willing to hold hands.


Homer Wilson Smith     The Paths of Lovers    Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959 KC2ITF        Cross            Internet Access, Ithaca NY    In the Line of Duty

Wed Mar 14 02:02:46 EST 2007