04/28/17 Friday 4:35pm EST

      If you can SEE something,

      AND it looks like it is OUT THERE,

      it can't be OUT THERE.


      if it *WERE* OUT THERE,


      you wouldn't be able to SEE it.

      This involves three concepts.

      IS - means to BE or to EXIST.

      TO SEE - means to see or experience conscious renditions of, color, 
sounds, feelings etc.

      OUT THERE - means not here now, in either space or time.

      These three concepts then form a triangle called The Proof.

                         /  \
                        /    \
                       /      \
                      /  THE   \
                     /   PROOF  \
                    /            \
                   /              \
                TO SEE          OUT THERE

       The proof says take two, only two can be true at the same time.

       If it IS and you SEE it, then it is not OUT THERE.

       If it IS and it is OUT THERE, then you can not SEE it.

       If you SEE it and it is OUT THERE, then it ISN'T. :)

       Notice the above implies the following.

       Time and space are symetrical with regards to SEEING.

       You can not see across a distance in either space or time.

       Just as you can only see conscious renditions in the now,
you can only see conscious renditions in the here.

       Thus consciousness is scalar.

       Scalar means that consciousness has no extension in
any dimension, it has no dimensions to have extensions in.

     Thus scalar means having zero dimensions, and not limited by the
idea of size which is made of extensions in at least one dimension.


Homer Wilson Smith   Clean Air, Clear Water,    Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959       A Green Earth, and Peace,  Internet, Ithaca NY  Is that too much to ask?
Fri Apr 28 16:36:14 EDT 2017