People do not vote for the left because the right are all idiots.

      People do not vote for the right because the left are all idiots.

      That's not the way the game works, and if you think it is, then
*YOU* are an idiot.

      The left is a union for the employee, and the right is a union for
the employer.

      The employee is trying to enslave the employer, and the employer is
trying to enslave the employee.

      Those are the two basic groups in the left/right tension in

      The two unions working against each other prevent these
enslavements from happening.

      There is a time to be an employee and vote for the left, and there
is a time to be an employer and vote for the right.

      A sane society results from a BALANCE between left and right,
never from a total victory of one over the other.

      Dig it and don't leave it.


Homer Wilson Smith   Clean Air, Clear Water,    Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607) 277-0959       A Green Earth, and Peace,  Internet, Ithaca NY
homer@lightlink.com  Is that too much to ask?   http://www.lightlink.com
Sat Oct 22 02:59:32 EDT 2016