After games have become serious, people can get very serious about
their playing and not playing of games.

     One way to win a game by not playing it is to get rid of the

     This is the football player, who when opposed by an overly able
player on the other team, at the moment of tackle, takes out a gun and
shoots him.

     Shooting the other player is not part of the invite, and is
certainly not part of the rules, but there he is doing it anyhow.

     The shooter may get to the goal post for a touch down because now
no one will come near him, and those that did are lying on the field
dead, but the nature of the game has changed, it sure ain't football any

     When someone tries to win against you by getting you to not play
its called a make wrong, they are making you wrong for being there and
for playing the game as it should be.

     People have to be pretty far gone to do this, so if it gives you
the heebie jeebies when you run into it take a good long look at it.

     See the anti invite intent.

     When you resist back and try to make the make wronger wrong, its
called a make right, you are making yourself right for being in the

     You already are right for being in the game, but that won't be
enough to KEEP you in the game when you are up against a psychotic make

     Psychosis is defined as the effort to stop what you consider you
didn't start or create.
     That's a hard one for mortals who consider they didn't create
anything, but the spiritual world works on make it once and it persists,
make it again exactly as you originally made it the first time, and it
vanishes when you let go of it.

     It doesn't matter who first made it, if YOU make them making it,
then it becomes YOURS, you get it?
     Last one to take full responsibility for the thing in present time,
gets to control it.

     Put it there, and its YOURS.

     Anyhow, even if the other guy is making it in your universe, YOU
had to issue an invite for him to be in your universe before he could do
that, so just duplicate that invite, and he and anything he is making
will go poof.

     The other then can go ahead and make whatever he wants, but YOU
won't be there to receive it.

     Thus when someone becomes unwilling to make something, they get
stuck with it!  
     Only a God could appreciate that irony and justice all rolled into

     You might see how too much awareness of this fundamental operating
law might make it hard to keep anything around, particularly when it
comes to the invite to a game.

     Thus people after need to issue an invite to make the game, then
pretend they never invited the other side in and must fight them to the
death, in order to make sure they stay in.


     Thus good people get up in the morning all ready to fight evil
people, but the good people never invite the evil people in for the
day's play, for that, being a reinvite, would end their OWN presence on
the same playing field full of hostiles.

     As-ising the invite, as-ises the INVITER along with the INVITED!
     If you can't boot the bad guys out, then boot yourself out of their

     Since the good people aren't PUTTING the evil people on the playing
field, they have no sense of responsibility for evil people's presence
at all, nor any ability or WILLINGNESS to TAKE responsibility away from
the original originator.
     The good people consider they don't really desire to play the game
in the first place, and thus they elect themselves as smaller than the
game they feel they have to play, and thus can never win it properly or
more importantly just LEAVE it.

     You make yourself smaller than any game you consider you didn't
create, or invite yourself into.

     When you are smaller than a game you 'find yourself in', the game
will tend to eat you.

     You BECOME the football, Lord save you.
     So someone considers they are in a game they didn't create and
didn't choose to be in.  They already are feeling vulnerable and smaller
than necessary to win.

     So of course other people find you, as an able opponent, to be a
danger to their winning the game, so they will try to out you from the
game by making you wrong for being in it, in an effort to get you to
remove yourself, or handicap yourself so they can win.

     Failing that they will use force and deceit to remove you or
incapacitate you from playing.

     Make wrongs such as these are the fundamentals of criminality.

     Making YOU unable to compete with them is a form of their

     If you do win the game, they will claim they won it instead, that
too, is criminality at play.

     Or they will claim you cheated when in fact it was they who were

     A low tone parent will start the cycle by regretting having the
child in the first place, and thus considering the child a burden.

     This is a make wrong of the child.


     The child fails to take full repsonsibility for the
irresponsibility of the parent and so considers the parent's attitude a
grave injustice.

     The child goes into serious woe about it, first tries to be
reasonable, then tries to be forceful, and then tries to be deceitful in
making himself right for being in the game as as child.

     Thus he ruins himself, makes himself sick, unable or accident
prone, to win his mother's attention, praise, approval, sympathy,
teamship, and cooperation in survival.

     Thus people who make you wrong about being in the game, either
because they don't want you on their team, or consider that you are on
the other side, can make you feel very bad about things.
     But if you get into the game of trying to prove the suppressive
wrong, of making your self right against them making you wrong, you will
eventually do yourself in.

     You are trying to have a logical argument with someone who
already knows he is wrong but can't or won't admit it.

     That's called PTSness, because YOU become the rollercoasting
Potential Trouble Source.

     The Suppressive that is making you wrong and trying to crush you
out of existence is already in trouble and knows it, he is also
unauditable by you as long as you retain your PTSness by continuing to
try to make the the SP wrong at all costs.

     You can't audit a preclear to make him wrong!
     Trying to get the SP to say "I am sorry!" ain't going to happen, so
forget it.

     Trying to prove the suppressive wrong is making yourself smaller
than the suppressive, who is already feeling smaller than the game THAT

     So that's a double whammy on you, not him.

     You think you are terrified of him, you know it because you can
feel it, but HE is so terrified of you, you can't imagine it, put it
there, or deal with it, and he has no clue about his own state of abject

     People who are spending all their time fighting the suppressive,
trying to make the suppressive wrong, will be losing massively all
around them in the games of life.

      Eventually the only way to win is to join the suppressive and go to
work for him.  

      That's called becoming a DB or degraded being.

     A DB is someone who has solved his problem with the SP by going to
work for him.
     At first it is a covert attempt to do the suppressive in from the
inside, that's called Covert Hostility 1.1 on the tone scale.
     But eventually you just give up and become his right hand man,
that's called propitiation.

     You start off at No Sympathy, and fall down to unexpressed
resentment, then covert hostility towards the suppressive, and end up in
propitiatation and sympathy FOR HIM.

     You just won your DB card, Degraded Being.

     Every time you fight a make wrong with a make right, you create a
schmoo box for yourself.
     A schmoo is someone who lives between a rock and a hard place, but
at least he lives.

     The suppressive is the hard place.

     The constellation of SELF IMPOSED LIMITATIONS is the rock.

     "I will be small, invisible, silent and work for you, if you will
just stop bullying me into nonexistence!"

     Make wrongs are usually of the form "You are so unable you
shouldn't be here." (They KNOW you are able, but want you to think you
are not.)

     Or they say "Prove it!".  They already know you are right, they
just want to find out whether YOU KNOW YOU ARE RIGHT so they can then
set about destroying you for good.

     So don't go demonstrating any OT powers to these evil clowns.

     Make rights are usually of the form "You are right, but I have this
reason I am unable."

     The intent is to make the make wronger feel sorry for you and leave
you alone or even start to help you, but what it really does is cement
your condition into the schmoo box with the two postulates:

       "You are right, I am unable and unworthy" but
       "Here is why: I have no choice about it!"

     And if the SP can read minds, you have to believe the two lies
totally yourself lest the SP see your ploy.

     It's that WHY that drove the nails home on the schmoo box so you
can't get out.

     The WHY is an assignment of cause away from yourself who created
not only yourself, the schmoo box, but also the suppressive!

     The guy in a schmoo a box ain't putting any part of the scene

     Not one part of it, zero, zip, zilch, nada, squat, rien.

     Everything is putting him there!  And then nailing him in it!

     Spot the why, realize it is a deceit of magnitude, even unto
yourself, and the prior postulate of disability will lift if you want it

     Remember it is one thing to create a disability for yourself, and
quite another to create a justification for it, because then you are
stuck with the disability, your justification says so!

     "Here is why and I have no choice about it..."

     You have to convince the SP that you have no idea about or choice
in suffering the limitation, you have nothing to do with it, or else he
will laugh at you and crush you under.

     The minute you postulate you have no choice, you don't.

     The postulate that postulates don't work, works.

     If you believe it.

     And need it to survive.


     GAMES V

HomerWilson Smith     The Paths of Lovers    Art Matrix - Lightlink
(607)277-0959 KC2ITF        Cross            Internet Access, Ithaca NY   In the Line of Duty
SatFeb 28 00:11:41 EST 2009

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MonJan  1 12:00:03 EST 2018
Sendmail to saying help in body
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Learningimplies Learning with Certainty or Learning without Certainty.
Learningacross a Distance implies Learning by Being an Effect.
Learningby Being an Effect implies Learning without Certainty.
Therefore,Learning with Certainty implies Learning,
butnot by Being an Effect, and not across a Distance.

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WedJan  3 02:24:26 EST 2018