Copyright 2002 Homer Wilson Smith
      Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
                      Extended 02/28/2016
                      Extended 05/02/2017
                      Extended 08/27/2017
                      Extended 01/15/2018
                      Extended 01/23/2020
                      Extended 11/22/2020
                      Extended 10/07/2021
                      Extended 10/26/2022

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     Bar none, the single most important question of the 21st century

     "How much secrecy does a government need or have a right to have?"

     One might say, "Well enough to protect the people."

     So one asks, "To protect the people from what?"

     And the answer of course is "To protect the people from bad guys!"

     But what about protecting the people from the government?

     The word TERRORISM used to mean terrorism against the people by the

     Is the government free from bad guys?

     Or is the government a filter for concentrating bad guys?

     If absolute power corrupts absolutely, then the only protection
against absolute corrupt power is to prevent it from becoming absolute.

     "How unpatriotic of you to say so, even if its true."

     Is some part of Truth better not known?

     Are there questions that should not be answered?

     Are there answers that should not be questioned?

     Is the caliper of the caliber of souls the questions they have
asked and the answers they have rejected?  From

     Are there ideas that should not be expressed?

     Are people children?

     Is Truth bad for children?  
     Is the government in loco parentis to those people?

     Is the purpose of the government to provide and enforce
an epistomological landscape for the population?

     Are the people in government epistomological gardeners?

     Is it unpatriotic to speak the truth?

     Has our Constitution become merely paint on the face of a whore?

     Remember when patriots used to say,
     "America, love it or leave it!"

     How about America, love it or change it.

     Is changing or correcting America so it lives up to its own stated
ideals unpatriotic?
     Is it unpatriotic to even admit there is something wrong that NEEDS
correction NOW, lest America END FOREVER?

     Is there anything worse than a government conspiring to break it's
own laws set in place to protect the people and their awareness of the
truth that might set them free?


     The feeling is that people of good heart will always speak up
publicly, anyone who wants to have a *PRIVATE* communication is up to no

     If you got nothing to hide, why hide it?
     You know, only bad people have secrets, if you aren't doing
anything bad, you won't mind everyone knowing about it.

     OK, well on the face of it that sounds good, but there ARE bad
people in the world, and it is from THEM that you might want to have a
few secrets lest they use what they find out about you and your loved
ones, against YOU as a good person.

     "Ah a good person.  Yum!"


     The body politic is the sum total collection of all people that are
engaging in a particular society.

     The purpose of the body politic is to design the society and the
markets that make up that society.

     There are two uses for the communication lines of the world, we use
them for the body politic to talk to each other about the society they
are designing, and we use them for the markets that the body politic

     We use the markets to sell what we have sown and reaped, this is
the purpose of a society and what keeps society going, but we use the
body politic to design the society and its markets in the first place.
     The people as the body politic designs the society, it's government
and it's markets, and the people as producers and consumers then
implement the design and make a living through sow, reap and trade


     So the purpose of the body politic is to design the government and
the markets, and the purpose of government is to police the markets and
enforce a fair trade.

     Thus we have:

     A fair trade is a fair chosen trade of equal value for equal value,
where each person is fully aware of all details on both sides of the
deal and is willing to engage in the transaction.

     A fair trade is a win-win situation.

     So as the market, we use our comm lines to do our business with
each other, but as the body politic we use our comm lines to design the
way the government and the markets are going to work in the first place.

     Politics is the design process of the government and its markets,
and business is the operation of that design in day to day sow, reap and
trade cycles of transaction.

     Governing is what keeps business operating properly.


     The body politic engages in politics, namely political discussion
on the nature and implementation of the government and its markets to

     For example is the government going to be a democracy, republic,
oligarchy, monarchy or totalitarianism?

     These determine what powers the government has and how it is
allowed to operate them.  Also who gets to rule and how they get there.

     But the body politic also has to determine the nature of the
markets that are going to be operated and governed.

     Are the markets going to be capitalistic, socialistic, facistic,
communistic or a complicated quilt spread of all four.

     Politics has to do with who gets into power and how.

     Markets have to do with what do we make, how much do we charge for
it, who do we sell it to, and who provides the investment capital, who
reaps the rewards if any, and who has ownership of production.

     Ownership means rights of control.

     They are:

     1.) What are we going to make?
     2.) Who are we going to sell it to?
     3.) How much are we going to charge for it.

     In a capitalism the above questions are decided on a distributed
basis individually by all the owners and producers of the land.
     That is generally called a free market economy.

     In a communism the above questions are decided on a central
bureaucracy which by force is the owner and producer of all goods.

     In general that is called a centrally planned economy.

     There is no single person or group of people bright enough to
handle all the decisions of an economy of an entire country.

     Market capitalism is usually associated with government democracy,
and market communism is usually associated with government

     These are arbitrary associations, one could just as easily have a
democratic communism with elections and elected officials just as easily
as a lifetime despot.

     And even in a market capitalism, most families are communistic, the
father works, and shares what he earns with everyone in his family.
     He might balk though at having to share what he earns with everyone
else's family!  :)


     The far left (communism) tries to enslave the business employer to
the employee.

     The far right (capitalism) tries to enslave the employee to the

     Socialism tries to enslave everyone to everyone.

     The capitalist tries to get people to earn their way, their worth
to society is not how hard they work and yet produce nothing, but the
value and return on investment a person can make from basic sow and reap
cycles, born of the natural Sun and Earth system.

     See SUNGOD.

     To a communist the value of a product is how much time it took you
to make it, how much energy you put into making it.

     Your worth is measured in TIME, in the number of hours you worked.

     To a capitalist your worth is measured in VALUE, the amount of
useful energy you produced measured in joules.
     The value of a product is how much useful energy can be gotten out
of the product (return on cost) not the amount of useful energy that
went into the product (cost).

     Cost is input energy, return is output energy.

     Thus to a communist someone who works all day long planting little
stones in the field, is as worthwhile as someone who spends all day long
planting seeds that will grow into food.

     To the communist people should be paid by the hours they work
regardless of what they do.  (Witness Ithaca hours, you get paid 1
Ithaca Hour per Hour of work you do no matter what you do.)

     To the capitalist, people should be paid according to the value
returned by what they do measured in useful joules.

     The communist pays by the time put into the product.

     The capitalist pays by the value he can get out of the product.

     Communism wants to give everyone everything for free.

     Free food, free housing, free education, free health care and a
free job.

     But it won't be the job you want.

     It won't be the health care you want.

     It won't be the education you want.

     It won't be the housing you want.

     And it won't be the food you want.

     And your job will probably be in the military fighting false flag
wars or pointing guns at the rest of the population to make sure they
work for the greater good.

     I mean if everything is free, who would work at all?

     So if every one has to work, in what sense is anything free except
that you will be paid in food regardless of the productive output of
your labor?

     Imagine a person working all day long making pablum, who is then
fed pablum as pay at the end of the day.

     You will survive as basic needs are met (maybe), but you won't be
free to have what you want nor allowed to risk your life getting it.

     You won't be allowed to risk your life, because your life is not
yours to own, but belongs to the hive state.
     And THEY will be more than happy to sacrifice your life to the
common good without your approval or permission.

     And your basic job will be working for the military as a farmer,
builder, trainer, doctor and soldier in their endless wars to keep your
mere survival so pressed that you won't have any time to think your way
out of your own mess.

     So be careful what you wish for as nothing is free in life except
sunshine, and in the end only the Worthy survive, those who can produce
more than they consume.

     Sorry to use the W word.
     I once heard a moderate say "Socially I am a liberal, but
financially I am a conservative."

     Notice the absurd contradiction, the money he gives for free as a
liberal has to be MADE by his work as a conservative.

     The capitalist says what you create is yours!

     The communist says what you create is mine!

     The libertarian wants fair chosen exchange of value out, not
cost in.

     The moderate speaks with forked tongue out of both sides of his

     In the same breath, they say "Yes of course we care about the
little babies, who doesn't?"

     In the next breath they say "But we can't spend what we don't

     So if the producers can't out produce the consumers, babies will

     SOMEONE has to produce what is given for free to others to consume.


     Profit is not a buy and sell market thing, profit is a sow and reap

     Profit does not arise by marking things up and selling it to
others, profit comes from the Sun/Earth system.  You plant a seed of
corn and get 10,000 back a few months later.  That is profit.

     The capitalist keeps the profits of his own work, and is free to
reinvest where he sees fit regardless of what others think of his folly.
He also suffers the risk of his own failures.

     Welfare safety nets are a kind of insurance for the risk takers.

     Not a way of life.

     The communist takes the profits of everyone else's work, and
invests it in big statues proclaiming the glories of communism, while
the people starve to death and are buried at the foot of the statues to
honor to show how many people loved the system that killed them.

     Capitalism on the other hand is a draconian meritocracy, not for
the faint hearted or people who never grew up from baby hood where
everything was given to them for free.

     In a capitalism some get richer and some get poorer, mostly as
result of their own survival skills.  Thus there is a need for charity
to help those that can't produce more than they consume for whatever

     In a communism there is no need for charity, because everyone is
poor and the state has all the money that would go to charity anyhow,
but puts it into statues proclaiming the glories of communism instead.

     The state feeds the people just enough to get them to continue
working out of love for the people, but not enough to vanquish their
exhaustion lest they stand up for themselves and fight back to bring the
state asunder.

     In a capitalism the affluence of everyone can get really big, even
most of the poor do better than they otherwise would.

     In a communism the only thing that gets big are the statues.

     In a capitalism a few do very badly with out help, but the median
income across everyone is higher than in a communism.

     In a communism everyone does the same, but the median is lower than
in a capitalism.

     You can always tell where people are doing better on average by the
direction of their foot steps crossing the borders.


     The primary need of a new born child is not freedom and
independency, but to be taken care of dependably even whilst that very
need puts constraints on his freedoms.

     As the child grows he starts to need to contribute to his own well
being and the well being of his providers and others, through mimicry
and harmonizing with his mother and father.

     Mother is the name of God on the lips of children.
     As is done to him, he will then do to others that come after.

     As the child approaches maturity, he begins to fight his
dependencies on others who are taking care of him, and the lack of
freedoms that dependency imposes, in preparation for being able to take
care of his own wife and children.

     Asking his mother to take care of HIS children is a sign of a
communism, where the state becomes his commie mommy and he never grows
out of his in loco parentis to her.
     As a full grown person the child's primary need shifts from needing
to be taken care of to being able to take care of.

     From Rights as a child to Responsibility as a parent.
     He wants to become adequate to his own survival more than anything
including wife and kids, because most women with kids won't consider him
as a mate if he isn't.

     Women are not beasts, the size of his dick will never make up for
the paucity of his bank account and productive output of his sow and
reap cycles.
     Being able to take care of IS the source of his self respect,
esteem, confidence and equipoise about life and his future.

     And he damn well intends to bring up his own children the same way.

     However life is hard, the child looks out of his crib and says
     I have to COMPETE to survive?"

     That ends shivers down his spine.

     Some are up to it and embrace the challenge, many do not.

     For these latter they basically never grow up because they feel
that to grow up would mean to die, often out of the gate.

     Thus seeking to be taken care of, in part or in toto, for the rest
of their lives, becomes a way of life for them.

     And they will point a gun at you to make sure you provide.  as many
guns as required.
     Their motto is 'NEED BESTOWS RIGHT.'

     My NEED for what you produce equals my RIGHT to take it for me.

     Thus they bow and pray to the GOD OF THE STATE, the great big
COMMIE MOMMY in the sky, to take care of them, tell them what to BE, DO
AND HAVE, and they trade their freedoms and independencies for the care
that is promised them, mostly the security of baseline survival.

     They do not want to PURSUE life and happiness, they want to be
GIVEN AND ASSURED life and happiness.

     They have changed our constitutional right to PURSUE into an
unconstitutional right to HAVE and a DUTY for you to provide it.

     They have changed a meritocracy based on ability to survive into a
muddling mediocracy based on the ability to obey.

     For that is what the commmie Mommy offers, 'If you obey me you will

     Their fundamental modus operandi becomes ASSERTION = TRUTH.


     And lying and spinning of attractive falsehoods become the talents
and honed skills of their trade.

     And the children should never know.

     When more than 50 percent of the population of any country ceases
growing at this half way immaturity mark between wanting to be taken
care of and wanting to take care of, they start to vote socialism and
communism into power, and give away their freedoms to who ever promises
them the most dependabilities.

     They simply want to continue their childhood for the rest of their
     "Who me?  *FIND* a job?  CREATE a job?"

     "Heaven's no, I will be eaten out of the gate!"

     "Who am I to know what to make, who to sell it to and how much to
charge for it?"

     "Who will let me?  Everyone else wants me dead or to work for THEM,
as they are competitors!"

     "Who ever heard of life and survival being competitive?"

     Thus of course the communists want open borders as long as they are
one way in, because they don't want competition from other commies.
     They want a monopoly of government, 'Only one Commie Mommy please!'
and they know that those who come in will vote for those that let them
in, and gave them the free life commie card.

     A MONOPOLY OF GOVERNMENT produces the same thing any monopoly
anywhere produces.

     1.) Shoddy low quality products
     2.) Expensive products, sky high prices
     3.) No choice from honest competition
     3.) No customer support
     4.) No returns or refunds
     5.) No warranties
     6.) No oversight or regulation
     7.) No freedom to complain

     After that point there is no stopping the process of conversion
from a free and mature society to living in diapers from there on out.

     Commies never let their children grow up!

     Commies breed commies much like cock roaches breed cock roaches.
     So watch it.


     We define the unworthy as those who do not produce as much as they
     This should not be measured only in financial return on sow and
reap cycles.
     People can do a lot of good for society that isn't based on
immediate obvious personal production of consumable or tradable joules.

     A joule is a measure of value, in the end everything of value comes
down to consumable energy which is then used to gather and produce more
     Thus, all other things being equal, a joule of corn has the same
financial value as a joule of bread, peas, eggs, milk or gasoline.

     The joule is a unit of energy equal to about 1/4 Calorie of food

     More accurately 1 Calorie = 4.184 joules which is the amount of
energy necessary to rise the temperature of 1 Kilogram (2.2 pounds) of
water 1 degree Celsius.
     To get a better feel for what 1 joule of energy is, imagine being
hit by a 4.4 pound mass moving 1 meter per second right into your nose.)

     But in the last analysis, doing good for society must mean
enhancing everyone's production over consumption one way or another,
otherwise, in the long run, the person is a consumptive weight around
everyone else's productive neck.

     One might ask who could possibly decide who is worthy and who is

     One might venture the answer is God. 
     God has infinite intelligence and infinite computing power to
determine who is worthwhile and who isn't.

     So if you got His phone number, ask Him.
     But beyond that, the question becomes answerable only on an
operational basis.

     If a society is over burdened with people who need to be subsidized
or taken care of, or prevented against, because of their inability or
unwillingness to produce more than they consume, that is produce a
positive return on investment NO MATTER WHAT THE REASON, then that
society will absolutely and without question dwindle, die and disappear.

     They may die and disappear anyhow no matter how productive its
members are, but in the end the only possible definition of morally
worthwhile is whether the society survives in the long run better
because of that person.
     If a society thrives, prospers and flourishes, then you can be sure
that overall its members are producing more than they consume, by
whatever means or products, even if its just smiles to keep everyone
else's spirits up or good music to dance the night away.

     There are 4 broad classes of those who can't or won't produce as
much as they consume.

     1.) The crippled who can not produce and need charity or help.
     This happens to everyone in old age, those who are injured in the
process of work or war defending our freedoms, those injured by natural
processes such as disease or natural catastrophe, and the genetically
     Almost all of these people can HELP benefit society in some way to
make it desirable to keep to them around if only because we owe them or
love them and they can teach our children even from a wheel chair.
     Its really a matter of having a good heart if not sound limbs.

     Thus they remain worthy, all immediate bean-counting appearances to
the contrary.

     All the help anyone could want to get or give in the game of life
and survival through consumption and production, is to help them
decrease their consumption and increase their production.

     The people and their helpers are the game builders, where ever they
go the game of life gets bigger and better, more fun and more worth
while playing.

     That then becomes the basic 'meaning' or purpose of being alive.

     The worthy then are those people who make the game of life more
worth while playing for having been a part of it.

     2.) The criminal, slave master or war monger who has a hard on for

     These want you to produce so they can consume what you produce
giving nothing in return, often at the point of a gun, or under duress
of force or deceit during the transaction of trade leading to an
unwilling, unwanted, and unfair trade between producer and consumer.

     A fair trade means equal value for equal value measured in edible

     The criminal doesn't want you to stop producing, oh no they love
food as long as it is your food.
     They love consuming what you produce, they just want to own you,
own what you produce after you produce it, and use you, abuse you and
then throw you away.

     These are unworthy as they suck the life blood from everyone who is
able and willing to work properly.

     They are the cheaters in the game of life.

     They don't want the game to end, they just want you to play it for
them, for you to take the risks and give them the rewards.

     These are the parasites on the game.

     3.) The insane who can not think clearly enough to sow and reap
properly at all.

     4.) The terminally stupid or retarded who can't manage to figure
out how to produce anything of worth even though their heart is in it.
You might want to call them he terminally retarded.

     5.) The ignorant, who simply don't know how to produce but can be
taught.  Children come to mind.

     6.) The evil, who hate food and who hate those that like food.
     They neither want you to produce nor do they want to consume what
you do produce, they just want to destroy YOU in order for you to stop
producing, or for you to not exist at all period.

     These are the game destroyers.

     Tolerate them not, but watch out for the game of destroying the
game destroyers for that game may take you with it.


     People also confuse politics with governing.

     Politics DESIGNS how the government and its markets work, the
government then works as oversight of the operation of the markets.

     The purpose of government is to ensure by the use of force that the
principles of fair trade between market players is maintained.

     So called politicians have very little to do with politics and more
with messing around with the government after it has been designed.

     Very little is designed into the government except the mandate to
create laws and enforce them, what they operating parts are, and how the
officials get into power.

     But governments are free to offer many different kinds of things to
the markets, in the way of services, entitlements etc, which for example
can be left or right leaning.
     This trying to gather votes by giving people what they want, has
everything to do with politicians running for office, but nothing
whatsoever to do with politics in the sense of political design by the
body politic.


     The communication lines of the world by which people communicate
with each other are used by the body politic to design the government
and its markets, but are also used by the government and the market
players to go about their business!

     Both the political and market comm lines are the SAME PHYSICAL COMM
LINES, speech, phone, mail, e-mail, newspaper, magazines, radio, books,
TV, internet etc.

     But the needs for privacy and transparency of the body politic and
the needs of the markets are very different from each other, almost
diametrically opposed.

     The body politic needs to be able to talk safely, both among
themselves and the public at large, nothing should be suppressed, and
nothing is illegal as there are no laws yet!
     But governments need to have their secrets to carry out their wars
of guardian ship over the markets from criminals, and transparency over
the people to monitor their actions and deal with their criminality.

     And worse, markets need their secrets to carry out their trade and
market plans.
     Thus tremendous conflicts arise when the markets want secure and
private communication lines to sell their wares, and the government
wants everything tappable so they can catch the market criminals trying
to rip off the markets, or the body politic wants security and safety to
go about the business of designing the whole system without interference
or threat.

     But the good people in the markets also need to have privacy to
protect themselves from criminals IN THE GOVERNMENT and the markets who
wish to do everyone in, who doesn't agree with them.

     It might be quite all right to allow a benign government to have
access to all our market based communications as an objective
disinterested referee to keep the playing field fair and square amongst
all players.
     That is what we designed a government for, to enforce a fair trade
amongst buyers and sellers, to keep the criminals at bay.

     But do you really want the government to know who you are going to
vote for before you vote for them?
     If you don't mind existing or competing governments knowing where
your allegiances lie, then of course you won't mind them reading your
e-mail in the name of catching the bad guys who won't be using e-mail

     If however you feel that people in government might be worried what
the people think of them and are planning to do about them, and you
would like to discuss this stuff in e-mail with your friends PRIVATELY,
to keep you and your's safe from retribution from that government and
its merc thugs, then you certainly don't want the government to be
reading your e-mail or listening in on any of your other communications
about the government.

     Remember voting is a part of body politic operation which demands
security and anonymity.

     You must NEVER let market operation determine who to vote for.


     Did you know that in some places on earth merely criticizing a
government is considered capital treason?

     Or God forbid should you ever crack an ethnic joke or write a
sarcastic or caricatured piece about someone in power.

     Not in America of course where we are free to criticize and crack
jokes about Home Land Security, the Patriot Act, and our government's
various ill considered wars of self aggrandizement all the time.

     Did you know that in some places on earth criticizing a government
for an ongoing war is also considered treason as it destroys the morale
of the soldiers and boosts the morale of the enemy?

     That's because the morale may be kept in place by lies, and the
criticism of the war underlines those lies in bas relief.

     The idea that the best way to support our men on the front is to
bring them home is foreign to a government that is only interested in
its own personal survival, war time profiteering or grandiose plans for
a one people, one world government.

     Governments can be kind of stupid, they think if there were only
one kind of people and everyone were the same and we had a one world
government there would be no more wars, and that would be good for the
people, right?

     They miss that a monopoly of government is like a monopoly of
anything, consumption goes up, production goes down, quality goes to
hell from no competition and warranties and guarantees become non
existent along with after market support.
     The government is trying to assure ITS OWN survival, because
without the government the people will all die from chaos, so its ok for
the government to cause some collateral damage amongst the people in
order to keep everyone else alive and well.

     But when the people start to consider the collateral damage is too
high a price to pay, the people try to replace the government with a new
one, better designed, and the old one starts to fight for ITS survival.

     Most governments can't think with the idea that the world would be
a better place without them, but with someone new instead.

     What you get back from criticizing a government looking after its
own survival at the expense of the people, is "If you aren't with us,
you are against us."

     Unfortunately there is no way to tell the government "Hey you can
listen in on my market communications, but my political communications
are private!"

     Now in times of great stress where the desire for safety surpasses
the desire for freedom, and the government is trusted more then our
enemies, many will be willing to give up their freedoms to have their
     "Hey we designed the government to protect us, we don't need to
change or correct it, let it deliver already!"

     When criminals use personal freedoms to harm good people, personal
freedoms are then outlawed to stifle the criminals, but the good people
lose them too.

     Its called collateral damage of personal freedom.

     We suffer searches at airports, we suffer the government to tap our
phones, and perhaps we suffer them also to tap our e-mail, all in the
name of catching the bad guys.

     We find out later the government doesn't care about bad guys, it
uses all that information it gathers for its own competitive and
financial edge over those they spy on and to protect and secure the bad
guys in government!

     The government becomes a waste land of bad guys spying on good
people to protect themselves from removal.

     How can you fight bad guys if they know your every move before you
make it.

     How can you fight bad guys if you have no privacy to conspire
against the conspirators themselves.

     During acute moments of panic and trouble, shifting the power to
know away from the people over to the government could be seen to be a
good idea.
     But never to sunset it?

     Democracy, if it is to mean anything, must stand on its own two
feet, it must stand on its own principles, particularly during times of
stress, otherwise it's just another wanna be well on its way to becoming
another has been.

     Another festering hole of martial law voted into power forever by
the stupid, terrified and the irresponsible.


     Democracy is about more than the right to VOTE, it is also about
the right to SPEAK safely, in particular about the government and its
actions and intentions, particularly in order to change, correct or
redesign the government.

     Now is not the time to vote, don't you see, its time to SPEAK, so
people know how to vote.

     Democracy is not ONLY about the ability to engage in markets
freely, but the ability to engage in the body politic freely.

     At any time.

     It's OK to want to course correct a government in mid stride.

     People like to claim how proud they are to be an American and they
like to spout all the great things that America stands for, but then
they fold up like a morning glory when touched by the darkness of
     Particularly terror fabricated by the government to keep the
populace enthralled by the government's "performance".

     "Oops," says the government, "We let (fostered) one terrorist
through, but never again!  Give us guns, money, lawyers and police and
we will take care of you like we had oughta!".

     The end result of that is one day there will be more police than
     And the people who aren't police will all be in jail.


     The morning glory democracy attracts yet another kind of person,
they aren't the terrorists themselves who commit all these horrific
acts, but they will sell you a subscription for a pretty penny that
tells you how dangerous it all is and how it will continue to be so,
     We call these people the Merchants of Fear, as they profit from
violating or inciting to violate the Constitution in the name of
protecting the Constitution.
     They don't just sell you the bad news and warnings, they lobby to
take away your rights in order to protect you from that danger and fill
the coffers of the military and police installed to enforce your new
state rights to peace and security through your duties of silence and

     "Peace and security through silence and compliance" I always say.

     Remember that evil is DEFINED as saying something is good for you,
when it is good for them at your expense, usually fatal, and they KNOW

     And the Merchants of Fear take their cut off the top.
     "If you speak the terrorists will get you, so shut up already!"
     That's fine when the terrorists are real perhaps, but when the
terrorists of first resort are the government itself, then being silent
is not the ideal path.

     Sheesh, it used to be that the purpose of the police was to protect
your rights, now their purpose is to protect the rights of the
government against YOU.

     What are the rights of the government?

     Well the government thinks they should to survive in spite of the
people it serves or doesn't as the case may be.

     "Don't criticize the government, your government is perfect."

     And God given.

     Criticizing the government means criticizing *AMERICA*.

     Criticizing the government means criticizing *GOD*.
     Criticizing the government is *BLASPHEME*.

     Criticizing the PEOPLE in the government means criticizing the holy
principles for which America stands.

     Even though the people in government don't know the meaning of the
word 'holy' and don't stand for a single word that America stands for.

     America does not stand for love of government.

     America stands for love of freedom.

     And that ain't no commie slogan.

     Is it even possible to protect the constitution long term by
violating the constitution short term?

     Merchants of Fear however, profit from the morning glory closing up
and staying closed as they get paid one way or another to keep you
silent and in fear.
     Who now are the terrorists?


     By far and way, hands down, the best way to make a living on Earth
at this time is to start a war and sell arms to both sides, throw the
whole place into martial law and make everyone work for YOUR living
protecting them rather than for their own living protecting themselves.

     And you get to use the guns you make to keep everyone in line with
the program.

     So you end up in this hypocrisy where America is the greatest
country on Earth and we stand for all these wonderful things, but we are
always at war protecting these wonderful things, so we can't enjoy any
of them!
     And God save you if you should speak openly or even privately about

     "You have freedom of speech, so tell everyone loudly to shut up and
be quiet!"
     Speaking openly is called treason and incitement.

     Speaking privately is called conspiracy.

     Speaking therefore becomes 100 percent thought crime, unless one is
speaking the party line.

     "Peace and security through silence and compliance."

     If certain people know that a democracy will fold up at the
slightest hint of trouble, then they will go out of their way to make
trouble to make sure that it does.
     That is the Commie Plan.
     That is absolute, its called evil, and you can always tell evil
when someone is saying that something is for you own good, when in fact
it is for their good at your expense, usually fatal, AND THEY KNOW IT.

     Expose, eschew, excoriate, and eradicate these people from your
life and you will feel better in the morning when you wake up.

     On the other hand if people know a democracy will stand its ground
no matter what, there will be less incentive to cause trouble for those
who would see the democracy not survive.
     Especially if they know they won't get paid in democracy parts for


     When lawmakers outlaw criminals, criminals become lawmakers.

     Thus government becomes a filter FOR criminals, concentrating them
rather than protecting against them.

     That's why there has to be non government oversight of government
and a good solid flushing every few years.

     Positions of power become holes where rats can keep warm and safe.

     Power structures in society are like wood to termites.

     After a while there are more termites than wood.

     Power structures offering heroic goodness to protect the world
become held together by criminals all holding hands to keep the criminal
structure standing.

     It doesn't take much to bring it down, just a little exposure
through freedom of speech backed by anonymity and encryption.
     So one has to ask what happens when the government BECOMES the bad

     One has to have a certain level of trust in the government, the
police and the military, to allow a cop in every bedroom and a spy in
every computer to verify the 'goodness' of our every desire, thought and

     When the cops come to save you from the bad guys, they are the good
guys, but when the cops come to save the government from you, they are
the bad guys.

     Police are like fat, once you put them on, you can never take them

     That's because the police depend for their jobs on the absence of
peace and security, once they notice that there is too much peace and
security they will sense their jobs are in danger.

     Then a few of them will take covert action to CREATE threats to
peace and security so that their JOBS are secure even if you aren't.

     They WANT you secure in your insecurity.

     They WANT you to know that today and tomorrow are going to be

     They want you to know FOR SURE that you will ALWAYS BE IN DANGER,
and thus will always need them to protect you.

     They also get a lot of money and toys from a state of constant war,
let alone a carte blanche license to violence, barbarism and thuggery.

     They have a hard on for war.

     The government is their whore.

     Their mothers are so proud of them!


     Many cops are addicted to power.

     They aren't addicted to peace and security, but they are addicted
to OBEDIENCE through silence and compliance.

     That's why no matter what a cop is doing to you or another, you
must NEVER put your hands on a cop as that is an immediate charge of
assault on the cop by you, get it?

     As I have said, the end result of this is that eventually every one
will be a cop, and those that aren't will be in jail.


     Surely if the government were a Divine Oligarchy made of perfect
people, assigned directly by God, then perhaps omni present oversight of
the people by the government and its assigns would be a good thing.

     But we are trying to create and run a Democracy in an arena of
human life filled to the brim with covert criminal and evil intention,
whose sole purpose is to squash freedoms and enslave the good to evil
or selfish ends.

     Their intent is to enslave, imprison, immobilize or destroy.

     Do you trust your government to act divinely?
     Do you even trust your own parents to act that way?


     There is a problem with too much trust in a government and here it

     When law makers outlaw criminals, criminals become law makers.
     When a bad guy knows he can't "get away with murder" amongst the
people, he will get himself elected into power where he will then
legislate his kind of "murder" into law so he can get away with it, and
use the police force or military to help him or even enforce it.

     Thus any hierarchy of power is a place where bad people bubble up
to the top as they are cornered out of the lower ranks of the civilian
masses by the laws against criminality.

     Its not that absolute power corrupts absolutely, its that absolute
power attracts rats.

     It is much easier to skim off the top of society as a Senator or
Chief of Police than it is as a civilian, ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE THE LAW
and ITS POLICE FORCE BEHIND YOU with their mandate towards total secrecy
and zero oversight of the government to protect you and cover themselves
     Yes there may be more criminals on the street than in government,
but one criminal in government or a position of power can do much more
damage to the people with a single stroke of the pen, or a shot to the
back than some crook on the street.

     Pretty soon the police state that people elected into power to
protect themselves from bad guys is itself made of bad guys making sure
the good guys stay imprisoned in their cell of protection.

     And that prison cell of protection is paid for by your taxes!

     Talk about Sweet Justice.

     The stupid are self imprisoning in their own hells.

     Remember when a good person builds a cell of protection that NO bad
person can get into, not even good people can get into it to let him
     This is why certain things that look awfully tempting during times
of stress, namely eradication of privacy or giving government oversight
over all communications, are generally a bad idea unless they are self

     That's because these restrictions on our degrees of freedom to act,
opens the doors for the criminals, who have bubbled up into positions of
power, to consolidate their power and do more bad things to the people
they were elected to protect.

     Especially if the bad guys are CREATING AND FUNDING the stress they
are claiming to protect you from.

     There is nothing like a fireman who is an arsonist.

     Never in America, right?

     Not under our Flag.

     And not under our God given President.

     The strongest force we have today for freedom of speech is the
internet, but the internet is but a one way pablum push without strong
anonymity and encryption.

     These make speech SAFE.
     Without SAFETY of speech, there is no protection of speech and that
isn't what people have in mind when they talk about freedom to speak.

     They mean freedom to speak safely.

     This is really very simple.


     Strong anonymity allows people to speak publicly to everyone on
Earth without moderation, trackability, censorship, reprimand or
     That's called the right to secure public congregation.

     It may not be physical congregation but it is congregation of the
mind, congregation in fact of the body, heart, mind and soul.
     Strong encryption allows people to speak privately to those of
their own choice, and no one else.
     That's called the right of secure private congregation.

     Strong encryption also allows people to sign their own works so
that others can not post falsely in the writer's name.  
     That is called the right of secure non forgery and copyright claim.

     It also prevents the writer from claiming he never wrote it.

     That's called the duty of non repudiation.

     And lastly strong encryption or related crypto technology allows
verification of the integrity of the communication line, namely that
what was received got there exactly as it was said without alteration,
either accidental or intentional.

     That's called the right of proof of integrity.

     Strong anonymity and encryption form a necessary and sufficient
mathematical BASIS for freedom to speak safely.

     A basis is a set of vectors that together completely span a
particular space, in this case the space of freedom of speech.


     This is all quite aside from the very real possibility that the
government or its assigns itself may be covertly creating those times of
stress just so they can come to your aid by putting you in a jail cell
of solitary confinement where you aren't even free to talk to yourself
any more, because of the video cameras and microphones all over the

     And once they have microphones that can pick up your thoughts
directly, now you can't even think to yourself, what are you going to

     When the criminal knows your every thought and your every friend
ahead of time, what chance do you have?

     They will take BOTH of you out just to make sure your friend hasn't
been infected by your politically incorrect thought.

     When the NSA picks a target to investigate, they investigate
his friends and their friends and their friends a minimum of 4 levels deep.

     That's every phone call you made, every text, every e-mail.
     And make no mistake about it, when the criminals want to control
YOU, they WILL go after your family and friends, even your jobs and

     No criminal in his right mind would waste his time trying to hurt
YOU, he's going to go after your loved ones right away.
     Worse, one of the first things criminals do when using power to
consolidate power, is to let more criminals into positions of power!
     So the more power you give a criminal, the more criminals in power
there will be.

     Now I am not into conspiracy theories, but certain facts are

     Fear creates a festering wound where corruption, temptation and
seduction can grow like a virus without control.

     Corruption is the chinks in the armor of a person's personal

     Temptation is where the light of the Devil shines through those

     Seduction is giving into the light of temptation and crushing one's
integrity under foot like a cigarette butt.

     Once the government and the people get into the idea that its OK to
trade freedoms for security, the door is opened for the government to
engage in Merchant of Fearism itself.

     You know, the endless siren song of 'you are in danger, but we are
here to help you.'
     Or worse the government starts to pray for and even CREATE threats
to security in order to further justify taking away freedoms, in order
to further consolidate their own power and personal wealth, through
taxes, slavery, imprisonment, and arms sales.

     Yeah I know, maybe this is the way somebody in some foreign
sleazeball government 'over there' might act, but surely no one standing
under the American Flag would ever do such a thing.

     Thus governments come to take on a life of their own, with a desire
to survive at the expense of and in spite of the people who created it
to protect the people.

     The government gets the idea that it must protect ITSELF, or it
won't exist to protect the people, and then what?

     The government will have failed the popular mandate to protect the
people and die in shame.

     So the government comes to believe it must protect itself at all
costs, even if that cost is the people.

     But truth is after a while the government simply likes its own life
and comes to not give a damn about the people, except as food for its
many war games.

     Remember the guy who doles out the money to people in a welfare
state is a non producer and would lose his job if there were no welfare
     So who is he going to vote for?

     The government that lets people into the country is he government
they will vote for.


     So, pardon me while I wax religious here for a moment.

     The following is critically important to a sane, prosperous and
flourishing society, so governments of course hate it.

     This is a quote from the various catechisms of ADORE, A Divine
Operating Religion of Excellence, parts of which you can find here


     The paths of lovers cross in the line of duty.

     For every duty there is a right, and for every right there is a

     Rights are fair chosen exchange for fair chosen duties.

     You choose and are responsible for both.

     You have a right to have duties and a duty to have rights.

     No one ever told it to you that way before.

     Justice is a fair chosen operating balance of duties and rights.

     If you want equal rights, seek equal duties.
     IF you have equal duties, demand equal rights.

     The fundamental duty is honor.

     The fundamental right is dignity.

     Honor is the ability to make, keep and trade fair chosen promises.

     Basic promise is to adore operation.

     Adoration IS operation.  If you adore something, operate it.
     Dignity is being the sole operator of yourself.

     Reputation is for those who excel in this field.

     In Excelsis Deo."
     From Adore, A Divine Operating Religion of Excellence


     A politician once said that the purpose of the government was to
protect the rights and freedoms of the people.

     He then said "the greatest right is to be free from fear."

     Oh, by what document pray tell?

     And at what cost?

     Silence and compliance?

     And whose duty is it to provide that right of freedom from fear to

     Freedom of speech can be provided and maintained, but can freedom
from fear even be offered?

     It might be said that no matter how much fear scares us silly, we
have a duty to maintain our freedom of speech and we do NOT have a right
to freedom from fear.

     We have a right to PURSUE happiness and freedom from fear.

     We don't have a right to HAVE them.

     These two, freedom of speech and freedom from fear, are mutually
     Those promising the right to freedom from fear can not provide it,
and they must first remove freedom to speak safely in order to even try.

     That's why its 'peace and security through *SILENCE* and

     Silence means no complaints.

     Does how they are providing you a fearless future scare you?
     Well keep quiet about it, because loose lips sink ships, namely
theirs, the SHIP OF STATE.


     Basically once the majority of people are NO LONGER ABLE to take
out the government should it ever become corrupt, either by force or by
vote, you have, by definition, a police state.

     At the point of a gun you pay your taxes so you can continue to pay
for the gun pointing at you and the mother's son pointing it.

     That's called a political feedback loop.

     Eventually feedback loops like this go screaming out of control.

     A total self perpetuating lock down of freedom, so tight no one can
move, not even the cops.

     Another feed back loop is when a government organization only
accepts employees of low intelligence on purpose, thus one would not
expect intelligent solutions to problems to issue from such an

     Further, stupid people hate smart people, so once an organization
becomes stupid heavy, it quickly becomes stupid heavier as the stupid
persecute and push out the smart.

     Just what exactly is the average IQ of the people in your
government?  In your police department?  In the administrators of your
college or military?


     But probably the most deadly feedback loop of all, is when a
government seeks only people who will obey any order regardless of their
own personal conscience in the matter and keep it to themselves.

     Personal conscience is the final arbiter of any decision.

     This is kind of a no brainer, for if not your conscience, then

     Did God give us all a conscience so we could use someone else's to
base our decisions on?
     Someone who has abdicated control of their conscience to another
has abdicated himself as a son of God to the Devil.
     And if there is such a thing as the Devil, THIS is what he waits
for and eternally rejoices in, the conscience of others handed to him on
a flaming platter.

     As internal oversight within the government begins to fail and
those with intelligence and a conscience are destroyed, pushed out or
filtered before they are employed, the entire government collapses into
a black hole of self glorifying criminality that would make even the
Devil blink.

     Devil: "Whoa, now that's EVIL!  It's *DARK* in there!"

     The mathematically inevitable result is the government becomes
saturated with people who are stupid and conscience free, and so a
monster is created with total power and control that not all the guns in
the world can kill.

     A monster with a hard on for war, total continuous war forever for

     You won't be able to sunset it.

     Or Snowdenize it.

     To Snowdenize means to bring necessary and sufficient public
oversight over governments and their secrets and secret agendas to
ensure that control of the government and its directions remains in the
hands of the people.
     And guess who the endless soldiers of misfortune are?

     You and yours.

     Omni good work, and omni amen.

     Thus the protections written into the constitution are there to
guarantee that such a state of affairs can never happen, and that power
will always belong to the majority of people once they wake up, and not
to a government that might have slithered its way into power during the
dream time.


     Notice that the best approach to an aborning police state is not
force and violent revolution, but exposure.

     Violence and revolution just create more cops who can never be
sunsetted after they are installed.

     However the light of day, of civilian oversight, shining into the
dark conclaves of corruption, temptation and seduction, busts the viral
wound wide open.
     Thus the festering sore of a self serving government gone infected
by acting as a filter for people without conscience, intelligence or the
courage to speak out, can not long survive.


     A good definition of evil is when someone tells you that something
is good for you, when really it is good for them at your expense,
usually fatal, and they know it.

     If you get close to politicians when they are talking, you will
smell the bad breath of evil coming out of them.

     It smells like death on wheels.

     Be careful though, it's easy to confuse mere criminality with true

     Criminality likes food but just doesn't want to work for it.

     Evil hates food and anything to do with food.

     You don't want to kill with prejudice someone who merely belongs in
jail to think out their self image problems.


     "The slow creep towards political correctness in all social
concourse, is the slow creep towards a grave for freedom of thought"
     From What is Patriotism?

     Watch it, the garden path is covered with black ice.

     Politically correct facades, such as the idea that all people are
of equal worth to society and their fellow man, or that need bestows
right, or that equal outcome is better than equal opportunity, are
created by some at the expense of others, and are maintained at the
point of a gun, because natural truth would dispel such facades quickly.

     The majority product of communism is guns pointed at their
producers to keep them producing guns.  
     Without guns and a tyranny to back them up, no one in their right
mind would suffer a communism for a moment unless they were non
producers digging their own graves as their last act of non production.

     "Well hell, maybe I can be fertilizer."
     Forbidden disagreement is a good sign of a politically correct
facade being created or maintained at the point of a gun.

     Evil: "We can all speak freely here!"

     Citizen: "Uh, no we can't."


     However the more a politically correct facade is enforced at the
point of a gun on people who would disagree with it, the more of a
FACADE it becomes, because the people upon whom it is being enforced at
the point of gun begin to resent the facade and thus come to resent even
more the various OTHER people the facade was created to 'protect'.

     Thus someone may feel smug that everyone smiles at them, but if the
smile is maintained and guaranteed at the point of a gun, the smug might
want to consider the ultimate long term consequences to themselves of
living in the protective bubble of a lie.

     At some point it becomes better to know the truth than to live the


     There is the law of the land, and there is the law of the sky.

     The law of the land defines what is legal and what illegal.

     The government is constrained by the law of the land, but not the
sovereign citizen.

     The law of the land was created by the sovereign citizen as the
body politic when it designed the government, to tell the government
what it may or may not do when a sovereign citizen breaks the law of the

     The law of the land is based on force.
     The sovereign citizen has no moral mandate to follow the law of the

     The law of the sky defines what is right and wrong.

     The law of the sky is based on conscience.
     The sovereign citizen is constrained by the law of the sky.

     "When you get to the Pearly Gates, St.  Peter will not be asking if
you did what was legal, he will be asking if you did what was right."

     The law of the land is supposed to mimic the law of the sky, but
sometimes they come into conflict through stupidity, ignorance and the
criminality or outright evil of lawmakers.

     In that case civil disobedience becomes morally mandatory.

     The civil servant has sworn to uphold the law of the land right or
     The sovereign citizen has sworn no such oath and has a moral
mandate to uphold the law of the sky first and the law of the land

     To do what is right first, and what is legal second.
     Oh boy, do the liars hate that!

     The civil servant however can always turn his badge in and become a
sovereign citizen again even if only for a while.

     Then he is free to operate on his conscience again.

     Never give your sovereignty away permanently in a promise, always
maintain a sunset clause.

     This is important.

     Transparency belongs to the sovereign citizen, not to the sworn
civil servant.

     Transparency means being able to see into, to know what's going on
inside the group, and every skeleton in every closet.

     Transparency is about who gets to know what about who.

     Dig it and don't leave it.

     If everyone were good, we might not need our freedoms so bad, but
since half the world is bad, we do need our freedoms to protect
ourselves against the bad, even if the bad can use them too against the

     And we need our freedom of speech so we can criticize the
government when its got its head up its ass.
     The primary purpose of freedom of speech is the ability to
criticize the government who owns the monopoly on force.

     Thus when the government tries to outlaw criticism of itself and
its wars, that is a direct shot to the heart of our American freedoms.

     The government goes on and on about bad people, but never about the

     When bad people use our freedoms to do bad things to good people,
those freedoms are then taken away from everyone including the good
people 'for their own good', namely to protect the good people from the
bad people.

     Thus if freedom of speech, anonymity and privacy are used by bad
people to harm good people, you can be sure that in a while freedom of
speech, anonymity and privacy will be outlawed BY GOOD (but stupid)
PEOPLE to protect themselves against those bad people.

     This is the morning glory affect, good people respond to fear by
closing up and imprisoning themselves!

     Since bad people KNOW THIS, they will tend to create incidents of
abuse of various freedoms to hurry the process along, because bad people
hate freedoms, particularly if they have bubbled up into positions of
power in the government and police forces, where they get to keep and
benefit themselves from these same freedoms anyhow even though they are
now illegal.

     For example bad people will use anonymity and encryption to plan their evil
deeds, so congress tries to outlaw anonymity and encryption.

     But that endangers the good people who would use anonymity and
encryption to whistle blowers to warn about the bad people.

     Can you imagine a world where it was impossible to whistle blow
in safety?

     Thus whistle blowing is PART OF FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

     The government may need its secrets for our safety and national
security, but the government should never be allowed to break the law in
the name of national security.

     Thus never forget that "the hypocrisy on Earth is so thick it is
like a wall.  You can hammer nails into it, and hang pictures of smiling
faces from them." - From


     There is something worse than crime, drugs, copyright theft,
terrorism, child pornography and politically incorrect thought.

     And that is a police state.

     A police state at total peace with itself.

     Peace and security through silence and compliance.

     Everyone agreed to be a brick in the wall.

     At the point of a gun, paid for by your taxes, and every mother's
son to point it, to keep you working to produce more guns pointed at you
to keep you working to produce more guns.

     And if that ain't a feed back loop...