NEWSLETTER ISSUE FOUR Xmas 1993
                                PRO - 1
                             December 1993
                 ((Revised and reissued for Clarity.))
                     Copyright (C) 1993 The Prophet
       Redistribution rights granted for non commercial purposes.
     This is issued at this time because it is now taking place that any
type of mental therapy will become exceedingly illegal, without state
certification, sometime in the next few years.  The powers that be want
people to become upset and unable to act against them.  This is also
usable in prisons.  It raises IQ and success among other things.
     NEWSFLASH: October 1993.  Tipper Gore wife of the vice-president,
Al Gore, has announced that depression is a disease.  As a disease, it
must obviously only be handled by doctors.  However, depression can be
handled by spotting the purposes that have been thwarted.
     NEWSFLASH: DEC 3, 1993.  A conference on diverse talk therapies was
held in East Grinstead, and Haywards Heath, England.  Present among many
others were a senior Counsellor for the Northern Ireland Prison Service.
responsible for giving help to prison officers, under stress because
they were subject to attack and threat by prisoners from both sides of
recent disputes.  Also present, was a doctor looking for a form of
therapy that he could teach to nurses for them to use on the wards.  A
number of Ex-Scientologists attended but were asked to not let others
know their Scientology past affiliations because if it was known in the
majority group that there was a connection between some of the theories
and practices discussed and Scientology, those in charge of budgets
might withdraw without looking thoroughly at what was being presented.
     One of the topics discussed was a warning of the strong possibility
of coming state certification for practitioners, so that it would become
impossible to give talk therapy of any form without state certification.
This was stated as being under discussion in Great Britain, but was also
reported as being sensed in Denmark.  Another report from an Ex-
Scientologist in New Jersey was to the effect that in that state he had
had to stop auditing because such a law had been introduced.
     Attendees hoped that established professional practitioners might
get certification by establishing that they were established and that,
if so, whether it would then be possible to gain enough additional
points for certification by attending courses and conferences, such as
the one in progress.
     A point not reported as being discussed, was whether states might
not eventually insist upon 1984 type surveillance of therapy sessions,
and insist upon being privy to confidential information of clients by
insisting quietly that practitioners reveal ethics information to state
authorities when asked to do so, and require such agreement as a
precondition for licensing.  Or State authorities might just bug
counselling rooms.  Fortunately the procedures below do not require a
counselee to reveal such information as a precondition for getting
     RULE ONE, When you are helping someone the help session should look
like casual conversation.
     RULE TWO.  If the person you are helping suddenly laughs at some
stupidity of their own that they remember, have a joke ready to tell
others if they want to know what the joke was.
     The following discussion will make more sense if you also read
through previous issues of this news letter.  Space permitting past data
will be repeated.
     The latest improvements in Underground Therapy makes it resemble a
casual conversation even more than was already the case.  We use "Why"
and "Why not" questions liberally in as close to a conversational manner
as can be achieved.  This enables some people to be helped without their
even knowing that a semi-professional action has been done with them,
they just think you're a good conversationalist or a good listener.
     Steps are given here in a particular order for purpose of
presentation.  Steps may actually be done in any order or just by
themselves, as the opportunity presents itself in the course of ordinary
     Take advantage of anything a guy is bitching about.  Ask the guy
how the opposite of what word or phrase would be the extreme opposite of
what the bitch is about, or just think of or suggest a wording or phrase
yourself.  Someone complaining of difficulty in giving up smoking, or
drugs, might have as an extreme opposite action or condition energizing,
and detoxifying the body.  Difficulty in giving up raping women, young
children, or members of the same sex, might have as its extreme opposite
chastity, or self sacrifice or sexlessness.  Use whatever is real to the
guy you are talking to and improve the wording as you go along.  It even
works if you say, "the opposite of" if you can't think of a better way
to put it.
     Whatever step you are working on, you then use that step on the
condition and the opposite of that step on the extreme opposite of the
     Ask first if the condition arose primarily from a decision or from
experience.  For example, smoking could arise from the decision "I want
to smoke in order to be grown up" or smoking could arise from peer
pressure without a specific decision.  If you are dealing with a
decision use the steps immediately following.  If you are trying to deal
with experience use the second set of steps.
     Ask for reasons why the person or any person would do what is
complained of, and reasons why not for the extreme opposite.
     "Tell me some reasons people have for smoking."
     "Tell me some reasons people would have for not living a pure and
healthy life without vices of any sort."
     "What benefits do people including you imagine or experience from
from 'whatever is complained about?'"
     "What disadvantages are experienced or feared for 'opposite of
     For example,
     "What benefits do people get or think they get from smoking?"
     "What are the disadvantages real or imagined for not smoking?"
     "What do people generally hide about 'complaint?'"
     "What is well known or obvious about 'extreme opposite of
     For example,
     "What has been hidden about smoking?"
     (Hiding in back of the barn.)
     "What is well known or obvious about not smoking?"
     (You can get sick from second hand smoke.  You can run a mile if
you don't smoke.)
     "What is suppressed including yourself or your body in the course
of doing 'complaint?'"
     "What is usually insisted upon in connection with 'extreme opposite
of complaint?'"
     For example,
     "What has been suppressed in connection with smoking?"
     (Criticism from my mother.)
     "What has been enforced or insisted on in connection with not
     (No smoking in Los Angeles restaurants.)
     "What is wrong with being doing, thinking, or having 'complaint'?"
     "What is right about 'extreme opposite of complaint'?"
     For example,
     "What's wrong with smoking?"
     (Causes cancer.)
     "What's right about not smoking?"
     (Doesn't bother other people.)
     "What would happen to you or anyone if 'complaint' continued
forever or even got worse?"
     "What would happen to you or anyone if 'extreme opposite of
compliant' never took place?'"
     For example,
     "What would happen if you continued to smoke?"
     (I'd get sick and die.)
     "What would happen if you never stopped smoking?"
     (I'd keep spending money on cigarettes.)
     "What would happen if complaint vanished or you let go of it?"
     "What would happen if you ceased holding off 'opposite of
     For example,
     "What would happen if you let go of smoking?"
     (I'd be healthier and richer.)
     "What would happen if you stopped resisting advice to stop
     (I'd act on the advice and stop.)
     "Are you willing to let go of 'complaint'?"
     For example,
     "Are you willing to stop smoking?"
     (Yes or No.)
     "Are you willing to have 'opposite of complaint'?"
     For example,
     Are you willing to be a teetotaller and never smoke again.?"
     (Yes or No.)
     "What if anything is in the way?"
     For example,
     "Right now, what is in the way of your not smoking?"
     "What if anything is in the way of your being a teetotaler?"
     If anything is in the way handle it as above or below.  e.g.  if
you're working on smoking and what is in the way is the habit of
smoking, go on to the steps below.
     Steps for handling conditions resulting from experience: Use both
the condition and its extreme opposite with these steps.
     Inflow step:
     "What happened to cause you to ......?"
     "What happened to discourage or prevent you from .....?"
     Whichever is real or realest to the person ask the person to accept
what happened, his own failed efforts or failed resistance at the time
and to take credit for choosing to do whatever is complained of, (or its
opposite).  If both are real do this for both sides.
     For example,
     "Spot a time when you were persuaded to smoke."
     "Spot a time when you were persuaded to give up abstinence from
     Ask how many times this occurred in the person's life.
     "How many times has this occurred in your life?"
     Don't be afraid to exaggerate.  If they can't give you an immediate
answer, ask was it hundreds, thousands, millions until they laugh, and
tell you something.  If they say, a lot, accept that.  It doesn't have
to be a number.  It can even be "continuously since ...."
     For example,
     "How many times were you talked into smoking?"
     "How many times were you talked out of abstinence?"
     Then ask for the earliest time and repeat the first step,
     "What happened to cause you to ....?" or
     "What happened to prevent you from ....(opposite)?" or both.
     For example,
     "Spot the earliest time you can, this could be but doesn't have to
be the earliest time there is just the earliest time you can find right
now that is real to you that someone talked you into smoking or (out of
     Outflow step:
     "When have you caused another to .....?"
     "When have you prevented another from ....(opposite)?"
     then repeat the other steps, how many times and earliest time.
     For example,
     "Spot a time when you talked another into smoking (giving up
abstinence)?" Then,
     "How many times have you talked another into smoking (out of
     "Spot the earliest time you can when you .....".
     Observer step.
     "When have you observed others or another causing someone to
     "When have you observed another or others preventing someone from
     then repeat the other steps, number of times and earliest time.
     For example,
     "Spot a time when you saw someone causing another to start smoking
(give up abstinence)?" Then,
     "How many times have you seen that?"
     "What is the earliest time you observed that?"
     Done-to-self step:
     "When have you caused yourself to .....?"
     "When have you prevented yourself from .....(opposite)?"
     Then repeat the other steps on yourself, i.e.  how many times and
earliest time you did that to yourself.
     For example,
     "Spot a time, when you talked yourself into smoking (giving up
abstinence, purity, holiness)?"
     "How many times have you done that?
     "What is the earliest time you did that?"
     Then ask if there is anything in the way of letting go of or not
having condition or having opposite of condition and if there is, use
the other ((decision)) procedure on whatever is complained of as being
in the way.
     For example,
     "Right now, have you given up, smoking or do you see anything in
the way of giving up smoking (regaining purity)?"
     The Prophet
Homer Wilson Smith           This file may be found at    
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